Bullion Vehicle Service

Bullion Van Services

We Offer Different Types of Bullion Vehicles


ASL Vehicles in Ballistic Protection Level 6 ( B6 Level) are armored using certified materials, both opaque and transparent, that meet or exceed the requirements of the European CEN 1522/23 and CEN 1063 standard specification for armoring of vehicles.
At the Ballistic Protection Level 6, ASL vehicles can stop high-power rifle ammunition, Nato Ball ammunition, and a hand grenade. In light of this, our Vehicles can be trusted to keep the crew from harm whilst carrying large amounts of cash and valuables in a 100% secure environment across vast distances


Toyota Land Cruiser CIT 79 single Cab Armored Cash in Transit Vehicle With CCTV surveillance system
Toyota LandcruiserDouble Cab Armored Cash in Transit Vehicle With CCTV surveillance system
Toyota Hilux Double Cab Armored Cash in Transit Vehicle With CCTV surveillance system